
Foot Fetish Warning!
Welcome to Amor Feet. This website contains adult content dedicated to foot fetish and you should navigate away if you are likely to be offended or are under 21.

Also note that some videos in the foot fetish posts can take a small amount of time to appear, so please be patient.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Foot Fetish Blogspot - High Heels, Stockings and Fetish Feet

These fetish feet are tucked away in a pair of slutty high heels.

Usually when people like feet they are also attracted to the arch made by the high heels they wear, anything eye catch on the ankle is also sex. Feet dressed in stocking leading all though way up the legs with a visual seam is highly erotic. Many say that such an image conjours in the mind the idea that everything is leading towards the vagina.

If you like the pictures and videos on this blog you can get live sex foot fetish action to. Just click on foot fetish live performance. Enjoy!

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